PLATform with ONline Interventions for Children - PLATONIC

Welcome to the online platform of the PLATONIC project! Parents and teachers can take advantage of the tools offered by this platform to monitor and support their children and pupils in their growth process!

The platform has been developed within the Erasmus + project “PLATONIC” whose objective is to monitor and tackle developmental delays in children aged 0-6 years. The project partnership includes five organizations from Italy, Portugal, North Macedonia, Croatia and Turkey, and has selected and developed a set of best practices that will enrich the theoretical and practical knowledge of parents and teachers in supporting children along their growth and development. The platform has a very simple and intuitive interface and offers 3 free and downloadable tools.

The first of these products is the “Guidelines for best early intervention exercises and developmental tracking practices”. This document focuses on exploring best early intervention practices in Europe and worldwide. 

The platform also offers 2 sections hosting exercises (in descriptive format) and the screening application. The exercise section is characterized by 5 areas concerning the child’s emotional and psychomotor development (cognitive development, social-emotional development, language/speech development, motor development, autonomy/life skills). Each of these areas will feature an introductory part full of tips and tricks to foster the successful growth of the child and a downloadable file containing exercises for parents and teachers to support and stimulate the development of each of the most important components of that area.

The screening application, on the other hand, is a tool for assessing and monitoring possible developmental delays by age group. This tool will guide parents and teachers in the developmental knowledge of children by providing milestones for growth in the 0-6 age group. Enjoy browsing!


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